Flat roof Stone House

Flat roof Stone House

This stone house in Carondelet is unique in that it has a flat roof, unlike the pitched roofs found on most stone houses. The structure was likely built between about 1840 and 1850 by German stonemasons who would have quarried the limestone nearby. While stone houses would have been extremely expensive in most areas, they were much less expensive in Carondelet due to the availability of the materials. The flat roof design with the roofline seen here are not original to the house, and were likely altered between about 1900 and 1910. During the urban renewal period in the mid 20th century, many stone houses were lost, with most other St. Louis neighborhoods being almost completely devoid of them, although Carondelet still has quite a few surviving examples, such as this house and the Steins Row. Today, these stone houses are one of the features that make Carondelet stand out from other St. Louis neighborhoods.

Alexander Lyle House

Alexander Lyle House

Hiram Paddleford House

Hiram Paddleford House